
1st Trimestre Pack

We start with a specific questionnaire to identify your needs.

We keep talking about the early stages of pregnancy

All services and options under one party, without intermediaries, without waiting 24 hours 7 days a week:

  • to choose doctor
  • Birth options
  • Type of professionals with whom you want to try
  • Preferences for food what I can eat?
  • When I want to publish my state?
  • Vitamins, medicines, coffee, alcohol, yes or no, how, what, how many?
  • Give up smoking
  • formative options
  • What can I do with the nausea?
  • What underwear I need it now?

BabyPlanner Barcelona makes an specific and personalized written DAILY PLAN considering all the important aspects:

  1. Detailed pregnancy calendar.
  2. Listing for administrative tasks.
  3. A long list of books to consult.

We complete the service with a professional coach to help you to work the first concerns, doubts and worries. A first contact to determine all your needs in a relaxed atmosphere.

2on Trimestre Pack

This is the moment to speak extensively about the type of birth you want.                                                                        At home into the water cesarean?

Let’s start with a questionnaire to identify your specific needs or update the questionnaire of the 1st trimester adding significant changes in the course of pregnancy:

  1. Preferences to choose organic products free of toxic substances for mom and her baby.
  2. Breastfeeding or not
  3. Possible ways.

BabyPlanner Barcelona prepare a specific custom written DAILY PLAN watching all those important aspects in this trimester:

  • Specific classes (yoga, Pilates, …)
  • Clothes to make you feel even more fabulous.
  • Your belly and body care.
  • Prepare your children if you have older ones.
  • Grandparents?
  • What about your pets?
  • Your new look now (your teeth, your new weight …)
  • What to expect? What services are available? Blood tests, ultrasound scans to choose. How can I handle work and pregnancy?

We realize with you the BIRTH LIST.

Our proposal is enjoy without  care at this stage. Our personal coach I will be on charge.

All services and options under one speaker, without intermediaries, without waiting,  24 hours 7 days a week

3er Trimestre Pack

You are at the final stage to complete all the preparations before the baby comes:

BabyPlanner Barcelona makes a questionnaire to identify your specific needs or update the questionnaire of the 2nd trimester.

  • Consider taking more classes
  • What do you do with breastfeeding? Formula?
  • Have you thought about the pediatrician?
  • Are you considering child circumcision?
  • You will make a religious ceremony after the baby is born?
  • Want to freeze the baby’s cord blood?
  • The baby’s room, carrying bag for the hospital, buy and install the car seat, finish theBaby list…

We will provide all the detailed information to help you make your choice with various options for BIRTH PLAN, helping you be flexible in case of change of opinion.

Although births are unpredictable and perhaps will go not exactly as your BIRTH PLAN, it is helpful to have a list of your preferences for pain management, as well as the names of the people who will accompany you during the birth and then.

It is also time to start counting the baby’s movements

We provide the tools necessary to do it, for example, the bracelet count the kicks thanks to the association www.countthekicks.org.uk

BabyPlanner Count the kicks

All services and options under one interlocutor, without intermediaries, without waiting 24 hours 7 days a week and always with the company of our coach.

Our proposal is enjoy without  care at this stage.

When the baby arrives

The time has come!

At hospital or at home
What are you supposed to do?
What do you really need?
How many of each and what color?
It’s time to start treating bonding with your baby? Hypopresives?

  • The importance of skin to skin contact.
  • Baby Care,
  • Feeding
  • Bathroom
  • Diapers
  • Begin to know about possible baby’s temperaments.

Whether you’ve been waiting nine months your baby as if you opted for the adoption and the time has come, BabyPlanner Barcelona offers help and support just to enjoy this precious time with the newcomer.

We also offer you support and advice on breastfeeding:

  • Need help with breastfeeding technique?
  • Want to learn different positions?
  • Concerned about the expression or prevention of mastitis?
  • You know that are milk banks?
  • Otherwise, if you opt for another type of breastfeeding, we will tell you all the possibilities.

All services and options under one interlocutor, without intermediaries, without waiting, 24 hours 7 days a week with a personal coach concerned about your well-being

We refer you to the appropriate professional to be informed of all possible basics symptoms of you and your baby’s health.

And remember that we help you with the RETURN TO WORK PLAN.




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